The future of digital platforms


13 November 2024

13 November 2024

An initiative by Launchworks & Co

Platforms and their ecosystems are now part of our daily lives. They are redefining the way we work, the way we learn, how we innovate and how we collaborate. As a community of platform leaders, how do we ensure that the full potential of these digital ecosystems is realised for all?

What is Platform Leaders?

Platform Leaders brings together entrepreneurs, policy makers, academics and practitioners to exchange insights and best practices on the future of digital platforms and ecosystems. These communities don’t always talk to each other, yet are collectively building the platform economy. Platform Leaders provides strategic insights into key topics and allow experts to share complementary perspectives to shape the debate so that the potential of digital markets can be unlocked for all.

Lastest Event

Our latest event took place on 15th April 2021. Check out the videos as well as the speaker list and agenda below.

Articles (1)
designing future-proof platform regulation

Designing future-proof platform regulation

Just as platforms must manage an ecosystem of contributors, the regulation of platforms requires management of diverse stakeholders, from platform businesses to the general public. Getting regulation right demands a ...
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Platform Talent

Platform Talent: Investing in the Professionals of Tomorrow

The rising importance of digital platforms has required us to reimagine our business models, workplaces, and now, our skills. Successful platforms need skilled people to run them. How do we ...
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Delivery Hero Niklas Ostberg

Delivery Hero at scale and beyond: CEO Niklas Östberg shares his vision

Since its launch in 2011, Delivery Hero has made its mark on the platform landscape. The company operates in more than 40 international markets, which makes it the largest global ...
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Videos (1)

15 April 2021 - The Video Cartoon!

An illustrated summary of the Platform Leaders event on 15 April 2021 with live scribing from Louise Plantin.


Keynote – Niklas Östberg

Niklas Östberg, Co-Founder & CEO of Delivery Hero, is in conversation with Laure Claire Reillier, COO Launchworks & Co.


The Race for Platform Talents

With Annemie Ress, ex VP HR eBay / PayPal / Skype, Peter C. Evans from the Platform Strategy Institute, Veena Marr from Russell Reynolds and  Olivier Van Calster from StockX.


Platform Leaders - Full Video

Replay the full video from the Platform Leaders event - The Future of Platforms which took place on 15th of April 2021


15 April 2021 Highlights

Here are the best bits from the Platform Leaders event on 15 April 2021. Key themes addressed: Delivery Hero, regulation and talents.


The Future of Platform Regulation

With Max Beverton-Palmer from The Tony Blair Institute, MEP Stéphanie Yon-Courtin, Professor Annabelle Gawer and Oliver Bethell from Google.


Key insights and Closing Remarks

Platform Leaders closing remarks and key insights from Benoit Reillier, CEO Launchworks & Co.

Niklas Ostberg Delivery Hero Platform Leaders

Niklas Östberg

Co-Founder & CEO of Delivery Hero
Annabelle Gawer Platform Leaders

Annabelle Gawer

Chaired Professor in Digital Economy; Director Surrey CoDE
Oliver Bethell The future of digital platforms, Platform Leaders

Oliver Bethell

Head of Competition EMEA, Google

Annemie Ress Platform Leaders

Annemie Ress

MD & COO innogy Innovation Hub, Founder PurpleBeach
Peter Evans B&W 158 x 186

Peter C. Evans, PhD

Managing Partner, Platform Strategy Institute
Louise Plantin Platform Leaders

Louise Plantin

Veena Marr Russell Reynolds Platform Leaders

Veena Marr

Consultant Russell Reynolds
Benoit Reillier The future of digital platforms at Platform Leaders

Benoit Reillier

Co-Founder and CEO Launchworks & Co
Stephanie Yon-Courtin MEP Platform Leaders

Stéphanie Yon-Courtin

Member of the European Parliament
Max Beverton-Palmer NVIDIA Platform Leaders

Max Beverton-Palmer

Director, Internet Policy Unit, The Tony Blair Institute
Laure Claire Reillier Launchworks & Co Platform Leaders

Laure Claire Reillier

Co-Founder & COO Launchworks & Co
Olivier Van Calster Platform Leaders

Olivier Van Calster

GM & VP Europe, StockX

3:30PM – 3:35PM


Introducing Platform Leaders. 

Laure Claire REILLIER

Co-Founder and COO, Launchworks & Co
co-author "Platform Strategy"

3:35PM – 3:50PM


Keynote from Niklas Östberg Co-Founder & CEO of Delivery Hero. Delivery Hero is the largest global platform for online food ordering outside of China, operating in over 40 international markets, partnering with hundreds of thousands of local restaurants and processing up to 5 million orders a day.

Niklas Östberg

Co-Founder & CEO of Delivery Hero

3:50PM – 4:35PM


Digital platforms are increasingly attracting the attention of regulators and competition authorities around the world. While platforms are already subject to competition law as well as a range of regulatory obligations (including for example data privacy) some policy makers are now arguing that more may need to be done. How could regulation restore trust between platforms and participants? How to ensure platforms can continue to innovate? What are the new emerging regulatory models? This panel will explore the challenges associated with the regulation of platforms and ecosystems, and discuss the latest thinking of policy makers in Europe and beyond.

Max Beverton-Palmer

Director, Internet Policy Unit, The Tony Blair Institute

Oliver Bethell

Head of Competition EMEA, Google

Professor Annabelle Gawer

Chaired Professor in Digital Economy, University of Surrey

Stéphanie Yon-Courtin

Member of European Parliament

4:40PM – 5:20PM


Unlike traditional businesses platforms orchestrate complex ecosystems and co-create value with their participants. Platform leadership requires new management skillsets and capabilities. What are the characteristics of platform leaders? Where is platform strategy taught? How to find, recruit and train new platform talents? This panel will explore the challenges associated with the recruitment and training -at scale- of a new breed of digital leaders. 

Annemie Ress

MD & COO innogy Innovation Hub, Founder PurpleBeach

Peter C. Evans

Managing Partner, Platform Strategy Institute

Veena Marr

Consultant Russell Reynolds

Olivier Van Calster

GM & VP, Europe, StockX

5:20PM – 5:30PM


Closing remarks and key insights from the event by our conference co-chair.
The event will be illustrated live with drawings from Louise Plantin.

Benoit Reillier

Co-Founder and CEO, Launchworks & Co
co-author of "Platform Strategy"

Louise Plantin
